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Jeff Moloi

EC weather advisory: Stay indoors!

The Eastern Cape province is experiencing high temperature at the moment with towns like Cradock and Fort Beaufort reaching temperatures in the high 30's and 40 degrees Celcius.

A spokesperson for the Weather office Garth Sampson says it is highly recommended that all school sport be cancelled.

He says along the coast temperatures can reach up to 33 degrees in places, however, due to the high humidity, it means that discomfort levels have already reached 110 in some places, which is considered hazardous to your health.

The public is advised to stay indoors and drink lots of water.

The temperature in a motor-car can rise to more than 10 degrees higher than the outside temperature in just 10 minutes and 20 C in 30 minutes.

Do not leave pets or children in motor-cars, especially in hot conditions.


Stay indoors in a cool room near a fan if possible
The old and infirm must take extra care
Listen to the radio or TV for warnings.
Cease strenuous outdoor activity if advised
Avoid playing sport
Dress in light clothes
Drink plenty of liquids NOT alcohol