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"Sport quotas are falling behind " Mbalula

 Sports Minister, Fikile Mbalula and Sascoc president, Gideon Sam, say key sporting codes are falling behind with transformation and development.

After receiving the findings of a pilot study on transformation over the weekend, Mbalula announced far reaching measures to address the issues at stake, including raising quotas for provincial and national sporting teams.

He said a pilot study had found that athletics, cricket, football, netball and rugby were falling behind with transformation and development.

Mbalula said the quota system as instructed in the national Sports Plan of 2011 will now be aggressively implemented.

The Sports Minister said they will insist on a change from a 50-50 proportion to a 40-60 representation both provincially and nationally.

Mbalula warned of harsh punishment if there was any form of resistance to these measures.