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Zuma announces boost in infrastructure spending in the EC

 President Jacob Zuma has announced that Transnet intends investing R26 billion rand to expand infrastructure in the Eastern Cape over the next 7 years.

He was speaking at the launch of Transnet's new dedicated car wagon in Uitenhage on Tuesday.

The wagons were designed, engineered and built at the Uitenhage plant and signal a move to get rail-friendly cargo off South Africa's roads.

Zuma said Eastern Cape was central to the government's plans to strengthen South Africa's freight transport and logistics structure.

"When I met automanufactures here a year ago they expressed their concerns and frustrations to me regarding the transportation of cars. We agreed that a joined solution was called for." he said.

The President added that government was encouraged that around 90 young welders had been employed, and 34 men and women students trained in welding, during the construction phase of the wagons.

"I have never seen such an exciting workforce they call themselves the A-Team and they are!" he added.