A case of crimen injuria has been opened against the Young Communist League in the Eastern Cape following their alleged involvement in an illegal protest outside the Port Elizabeth Magistrate's court last month.
The protest took place during the court appearance of a 35 year-old Kingfisher FM presenter charged with sexual assault.
A number of organisations, including women's rights groups and the National Prosecuting Authority, expressed their shock and disappointment at a banner displayed outside the court which named the young female complainant in the matter - and branded her as a liar.
AlgoaFM news was sent from pillar to post in attempting to elicit comment from the SA Communist Party - only to be told that it could not comment on behalf of its youth wing.
District Secretary Sia Sevens said they immediately removed the banner when they were informed that it was illegal to publicly identify an alleged victim of a sexual crime.
Sevens confirmed that they were supporting the accused and that in their view, the charges had been laid against him because he was a person of colour.
Picture of the banner displayed by YCL members outside Court.