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"Water is safe to drink" says BCM

The Buffallo City Metro says its drinking water is of top quality and suitable for drinking.The Municipality put together an information pamphlet, explaining this in response to an earlier report in the Daily Dispatch.

The newspaper reported that a quarter of samples taken from Buffalo City's drinking water monitoring sites, failed critical quality tests, placing thousands of residents’ health at risk.Details were reportedly contained in reports that have already been tabled in Council.

According to a statement released by the Metro, its routine drinking water program is based on the South African National Standards requirements.

It states that weekly, samples are collected from all water sources for chemical and micro-biological analysis. In the event of a poor water quality detection, the procedure is to immediately notify the Metro's Water Department to carry out action, thereby mitigating against potential health risks.Bursts can cause water quality failures and the Water Department responds to approximately six bursts per day, across all supply systems.

The aging infrastructure is currently being upgraded by means of a R40 million infrastructure replace program.The table also highlights detail that the drinking water complies with the national 'Blue Drop' system.