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Wanted suspect arrested hours after Algoa FM News broadcast

An attempted murder suspect was arrested in Port Elizabeth, less than four hours after his details were broadcast on AlgoaFM News at 11 am on Tuesday morning.

Colonel Priscilla Naidu says the 47-year-old Rhett Els was arrested outside a block of flats in Keurboom Crescent in Algoa Park.

After hearing on the radio that Els was been sought by police, a member of the community contacted SAPS Algoa Park and alerted them to his whereabouts.

He was arrested by Algoa Park detectives while he was busy fixing a vehicle and will appear in the PE Magistrate's Court on Wednesday on a charge of attempted murder.

A warrant of arrest had previously been issued for Els after he allegedly stabbed a 65-year-old woman in November last year, following an argument about a job.

Colonel Naidu says the two were driving in Kragga Kamma Road on the 24th of November 2019 when they started arguing about a job that Els promised the victim in Port Alfred.

It is alleged that Els then stopped the vehicle and started assaulting the victim, who was forced to the ground and stabbed repeatedly.

She says Els then drove the victim to the hospital where a nurse informed her that they were going to call the police.

Els then grabbed her cellphone and car keys before fleeing the scene.