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VWSA boosts fight against rhino poaching

The fight against rhino poaching across the country received a boost on Tuesday when VWSA donated several Amarok 4x4 vehicles to the Wilderness Foundation.

The Forever Wild Amaroks would be distributed to game farms across the country in a bid to put more boots on the ground in the battle against the ongoing scourge.

VWSA communications manager, Matt Genrich, said their association with the Wilderness Foundations dates back to the mid-eighties.

"I think we all know how bad rhino poaching is in this country.  We are losing more rhinos than are being born and our contribution in its own way is to make sure that in certain reserves the anti-poaching units are are adequately equipped and there's a whole series of other sponsors who provide tyres, radio equipment and lights and the rest of it," he said.

"So, it's a very key programme in helping to reduce and tackle the scourge of rhino poaching," said Genrich.

Matthew Norval of the Wilderness Foundation said that these vehicle would make a huge difference in the fight against rhino poaching as they would be placed in reserves that needed them the most.

"Various reserves around the country that have got key rhino populations and are facing threats on a daily basis these vehicle are really their lifeblood and they get really well used," said Norval.

Meanwhile, on Sunday the Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa, released the latest report on the fight against rhino poaching.

She said whilst victory could not be claimed outright, there were promising signs that rhino poaching was now on a downward trend in SA.

Minister Molewa said 702 rhino were poached since the beginning of 2016, compared to 796 for the same period last year.

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