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The Department of Basic Education and the Legal Resource Centre in Grahamstown have negotiated a settlement to the application presently pending in the High Court, in Grahamstown.
In the application, the LRC had asked the Department of Basic Education to reimburse schools that have been paying teachers that should have been appointed by the Department.
The number of teachers involved in the application currently stands at 150.
Legal Resource Centre director Sarah Sephton says the Basic Education Department has recognized the need to fill vacant educator posts to optimise the delivery of education to its learners.
The Eastern Cape Education Department says it "recognises the need to fill vacant educator posts on the declared post establishment to optimise the delivery of education to its learners."
Department spokesperson, Loyiso Pulumi says "the present application seeks the appointment of various educators to vacant posts at the applicant schools."
"To date, some of the educators in question have already been permanently appointed in terms of the Collective Agreement. The department has agreed to appoint the remaining educators concerned temporarily to the vacant positions until 30 June 2014 pending the continued operation of the Collective Agreement. It is envisaged that permanent appointments will be made to these posts by 1 July 2014," he said.
"The department is confident that both the Collective Agreement and the management plan for the implementation thereof and the present settlement will have a huge, positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning in the province," according to a joint statement with the LRC.