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Uitenhage car theft probe widens

 Eastern Cape police have confirmed that the number of stolen vehicles seized as part of their investigation into car theft involving a Uitenhage car dealer has now climbed to 41.

Police spokesperson, warrant officer Gerda Swart, says six of the impounded vehicles were stolen in the Nelson Mandela Bay area while the rest were stolen in the Western Cape.

The cars had been sold through Monte Carlo Motors.

The owner, 65-year-old Simon van Vuuren, has been charged with car theft and is currently out on bail of R20 000.

He will be back in court on the 20th of March.

Meanwhile, an elderly Port Elizabeth woman told Algoa FM News about the anguish of having her car seized as part of the probe into a car theft syndicate spanning the Eastern and Western Cape.

Dianna Mason said that a police investigator contacted her and her husband last week about their bakkie bought from Monte Carlo Motors two years ago.

She says the investigator went to her home in Redhouse where the Ford Bantam bakkie was inspected.

Mason says her car was impounded at the Vehicle Identification Section where police technicians had shown her husband how the vehicle had been tampered with.