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Two arrested in ECape for illegal firearms

KING WILLIAM’S TOWN, December 11 (ANA) – Two men have been arrested in the Eastern Cape in two separate incidents in connection with the possession of illegal firearms and ammunition, police said on Sunday.

Msobomvu police near Butterworth arrested a 24-year-old man for possession of an unlicensed .38 revolver and ammunition. The man was arrested at the Madiba informal settlement near Ibika township, Butterworth, Captain Jackson Manatha said.

The man was arrested on Saturday evening “following police intelligence that he was in possession of an unlicensed firearm”. The firearm would be sent for ballistic testing to determine whether it had been used in any crime around the country.

In an unrelated incident, Willowvale police arrested a 44-year-old man, also for possession of an unlicensed .38 revolver, Manatha said.

The man was arrested on Saturday afternoon at Mthokwane location, Nqabarha village, Willowvale. The weapon had no ammunition. The firearm would also be sent for ballistic testing, he said.
– African News Agency (ANA)