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Transport minister to inspect IPTS in Port Elizabeth

 Transport Minister Ben Martins will visit the Integrated Public Transport System Operations Centre in Port Elizabeth on Monday.

The Department of Transport said in a statement that Martins would use the opportunity to inspect the efficiency of the Bus Rapid Transit System.

It said the purpose of the visit was to gauge progress made and understand the possible challenges facing the city with regard to the implementation of the IPTS.

The department said the Minister would also take the opportunity to visit the Port of Ngqura.

Nelson Mandela Bay has indicated its intention to engage with Martins and National Treasury with regard to the rolling over of funds for the IPTS.

The project is currently held up by a court case, involving Lumen Technologies, and the metro is concerned it may lose the funds as a result of the delay.

(Source: Metro Minute to subscribe mail metminutes@iafrica.com)