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'Traditional healer' arrested for selling human body parts

A Kwa-Zulu Natal man has been arrested after he was found in possession of human body parts.

Police spokesperson, Colonel Thembeka Mbele, says the man claims to be a traditional healer and was selling the body parts for as little as R4 000 each.

Traditional healers in Margate raised the alarm when they heard of this man selling body parts at cheap prices.

Police spotted the man on Sunday night, sitting in his car in Marine Drive when they approached him for questioning.

She said the man, who was wearing a traditional outfit, had a bucket in his car containing a human skull, hand, torso and other body parts that were cut into small pieces.

It is alleged that the suspect had been looking for buyers and approached a number of traditional healers around the Emanguzi area.

Police will now conduct a DNA test to try and determine the identity of the victim.

The suspect will also be investigated to determine if he was involved in any other crimes in the area.

He is expected to appear in court on Tuesday for the illegal possession of suspected human body parts.