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Three in EL court for fraud and defeating ends of justice

A senior Bhisho government official appeared in court in East London Magistrates Court on Monday alongside two co-accused on charges of corruption and defeating the ends of justice.

Neil Naidoo, the chief director in the Department of Community Safety and Liaison, has been charged with Gauteng businessmen, Kenny Govender and Matthew Pillay.

The draft 12-page indictment states that Naidoo had allegedly facilitated payments of around R3.5million to two undercover officers investigating a SAPS furniture tender.

The state alleges that the money was offered to make the case go away.

The Investigating Directorate's(ID) Sindisiwe Seboko says the matter was rolled over to Tuesday when a formal bail hearing will be held - and the three will remain in custody for now.

She says the accused are being charged with corruption and defeating the ends of Justice, linked to a national SAPS furniture tender valued at over R36 million.