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Suspended sentence for PE tax dodger

 A Port Elizabeth businessman known for his lavish lifestyle, flashy cars and expensive houses, has escaped jail time in the Commercial Crimes court.

Fifty five year-old Sityebi Richman Mankazana was found guilty on Tuesday of tax evasion to the value of R325 000 under the organised crime act.

Interest and penalties on this amount total just over R888 000.

His core business is apparently the selling of funeral policies.

The SA Revenue Services reports that Mankazana received an 8-year prison sentence, suspended for 5 years.

He has to repay the amount of R325 000 by the end of June.

To avoid going to jail, Mankazana also has to repay the interest and penalties on the capital amount in 58 installments of R13 685 per month.

The first payment must be made on or before the 7th of July 2013, and thereafter on or before the 7th day of each and succeeding month.