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Stolen dog reunited with owner in George

A beloved white bull terrier named Jezebel is safely back in the arms of her owner, after she was allegedly stolen in George a week ago.

The missing dog caused a buzz on social media after her owner, Kobus van Rensburg posted pictures of Jezebel with a R5 000 reward for her safe return.
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She went missing from Van Rensburg's fenced off home in Denneoord on the 12th of July.

After an investigation by the Garden Route SPCA in conjunction with George police, Jezebel was found in a kennel on Tuesday at the back of a home in Conville.

A man, in his 20's was arrested for being in possession of a stolen dog.

Apart from being hungry and having fleas, SPCA senior inspector, Salome Bruyns says Jezebel was fine. The suspect allege that he bought Jezebel from the street for R2 000 with the intention to hand her over to Van Rensburg.

Van Rensburg says he burst into tears of relief when he held Jezebel in his arms again. George police confirmed that a number of dogs, mostly bull terriers, have recently been reported stolen in the George area.

Bruyns says she finds the situation difficult as perpetrators expect to get paid a promised reward for handing over a lost dog. She says desperate dog owners then most likely support an ongoing crime where dogs are being stolen with the intention to hand them back to their owners to claim a reward.