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Spar Kirkwood Wildsfees moved to 2021 #Covid-19

The directors and management of the SPAR Kirkwood Wildsfees have after careful consideration decided not to stage the 2020 event in June due to global CORONA-19 outbreak.

Festival director Jenni Honsbein says the festival will now take place between the 25th-27th of June 2021.

She says it was decided that staging the 2020 Wildsfees would place too many people at risk, including the thousands of workers in the Sundays River Valley.

Stallholders who have already paid their deposits will be given the option of having their deposit returned minus VAT, or for the Wildsfees to retain their place for 2021 at the same fee.

Knysna Motor Show

The 2020 Knysna Motor Show, scheduled for the 3rd of May has also been cancelled.

Chief Organiser Peter Pretorius says this is due to the announcement by the President where the gathering of 100 or more people is banned.

He says there will be no new date for 2020.


MSC Cruises has taken the decision to stop all its remaining South African cruise departures for the 2019/2020 cruise season-ending April 2020. The last cruise departed on 16th March 2020 and will return on 20th March 2020.