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South Africa regains Foot and Mouth Disease-free zone status.

The local agricultural sector received good news, when the International Animal Health Organisation announced that South Africa regained a Foot and Mouth Disease-free zone status.

This came into effect on the 14th of February in areas where vaccination is not practiced.

The chairperson of the Red Meat Producers Organisation in the Eastern Cape, Dr. Pieter Prinsloo says it is not only good news for red meat exports, but the hides, skins and leather industry and other industries like dairy and wool will also benefit.

He says it is estimated that the annual loss since South Africa lost its status in February 2011 was R4-billion per annum...

"What is means to producers is that we can look at exporting again. Live exports under the veterinary permit system are under Article 36 of the animal diseases law or exporting meat. We are a net importer at this stage, but this opportunity is going to come for certain groupings or farmers to group together to maybe look at exports and get a better income for their product" he said.