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Shell comments on Shale gas exploration

Shell South Africa says the Petroleum Agency of South Africa will complete its assessment of its environmental management plan for shale gas exploration in the Karoo.

Shell SA spokesperson, Bonang Mogale, was commenting on the recent lifting of the moratorium on shale gas exploration in the Karoo.

Speaking on Algoa FM on Tuesday, Mogale said the lifting of the moratorium was good news for the country as South Africa has the fifth largest gas reserves in the world.
He outlined what the next step in the process will be.

"It only allows us to do an environmental social health and impact assessment for each of the anticipated 24 wells in the area under consideration and then we have also applied for the water licences only then can we even think of digging a few holes responsibly with the greatest of respect to the people of the Karoo and to the environment" Mogale said.

Meanwhile, the Treasure the Karoo Action Group says it will take the fight against fracking to the Constitutional Court.
The lobby group has already expressed its disappointment at last week's decision by cabinet to lift the moratorium on shale gas exploration using the method of hydraulic fracturing or fracking.

Spokesperson, Jonathan Deal, says they believe that there are other less harmful and more sustainable means to generate energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

He also said that several international lobby groups in the US, Europe and Australia are supporting them in their opposition to fracking in the Karoo.