Eastern Cape police said they would ensure that there is adequate security at Saturday's funeral of slain anti-mining activist, Sikhosiphi Rhabebe.
Rhadebe, known as Bazooka, was the chairperson of the Amadiba Crisis Commitee which is spearheading community opposition to titanium mining on the Wild Coast by an Australian company, MRC.
He was gunned down by two hitmen allegedly posing as police outside his home in Lurholweni Township Mbizana a week ago. Community members said that the men arrived in a car with a rotating blue light.
Rhadebe will be buried at his family home in Mdatya.
Police spokesperson, Captain Mlungisi Matidane, said the Area Commander of Mbizana has prepared an operational plan to secure the saftey of the community and visitors following community complaints of police inactivity.
"We'll join hands with the family of 'Bazooka' in order to secure the funeral. The SAPS will go there, not for certain individuals, but to safeguard everbody who is there,"he said.
The Amadiba Crisis Committee, together with a local taxi association, has also arranged for dedicated marshals to direct traffic.
No arrests were made in connection with his murder.