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Knysna mayor tables draft budget for new financial year

Knysna residents could face municipal tariff increases of between 7.6% and 9.5% for the new financial year.

Executive mayor, Georlene Wolmarans, this week tabled Knysna's draft budget for the 2016/2017 financial year amounting to some R906.5m.
She said "this constitutes R172.5m for capital expenditure and R734m for operating expenditure," an increase of 23% on the previous fiscal year.

"Residents can obtain copies of the draft budget from the municipal offices, libraries and Knysna Municipality's website. The closing date for written representations from the public is set for Tuesday 3 May at 16:30. At the culmination of the process, the Mayor must consider all representations and decide if the budget should be amended," she said.

"It should be noted that the proposed tariff hikes for the municipality remain below double digits. The proposed increases are as follows: rates at 8,9%; refuse services at 9,5%, water services at 9,5%, sewerage at 8,9% and electricity at 7,6%," she said in a statement.

Wolmarans said that the "downturn in the national economy means development has virtually ceased and unless this position can be reversed quickly, Knysna will have serious difficulties. Council has thus taken the decision to fast-track economic development at all levels."

"Only three options are available to Knysna: to aggressively grow our status as a preferred international tourist hub; to actively seek investment in environmentally friendly manufacturing initiatives to create more jobs; and to attract more service companies with the aim of job creation."

"This budget rests on the idea of an inclusive social contract, encompassing an even-handed and fair burden of rates and taxes to fund our progressive programme of expenditures," Wolmarans said.

"The challenge is always to focus on the necessities and eliminate the 'nice-to-have' elements. This challenge is compounded not only by the disparity between the affluent communities of Knysna and our historically disadvantaged residents, but also due to Eskom's tariff increases and our urgent need to address infrastructure requirements - specifically in regards to our water supply. Through a balanced budget, we aim to close these gaps and ensure a better life for all residents of Knysna."