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Search to continue for missing child in Voëlklip waters

The search is set to  continue in the Herold Bay area outside George on Monday for missing 6-year-old  Cuzette Scheepers.

Police spokesperson Captain Malcolm Pojie says weather permitting, police divers will resume their search along the coast line from Wilderness to Voëlklip/Herald's Bay and Mossel Bay, concentrating on the Voëlklip area.

He says Sunday's efforts were unsuccessful.  

Emergency rescuers and the NSRI remain on standby should there be any trace of the 6-year-old girl.

The body of a woman believed to be that of her 35 year-old mother Heidi Scheepers was found in the water near Herolds Bay on Saturday afternoon.

The body her 2-year-old son Hugo Scheepers was recovered from the sea near Herolds Bay late last week after parts of the wreckage of Scheepers' VW Combi were found partially submerged in the  ocean at the bottom of a 100 meter high cliff at Voëlklip.

Heidi and her kids were reported missing last week when they never returned home from an outing to the beach.