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SAPS looking for firearm owners who handed in their guns several years ago

Police in Port Elizabeth are looking for three people who handed in their firearms at the Walmer police station only to never come and fetch it again.

Spokesperson Captain Johan Rheeder says if the owners fail to contact police or fetch the firerams, it will be destroyed by the State.

He says the three people they are looking for handed in their guns several years ago, with one that has been in the posession of SAPS for 14 years.

  • Mr I Klingelholfer from Deer Park handed in his firearm on 29 April 2009
  • Mrs  L Voster from Som Close in Kabega Park handed in a rifle on 6 October 2011
  • Mr van der Berg from Benno Road, Lorraine handed in a  rifle on  30 June 2005

These persons are asked to contact SAPS Walmer on 041  509 4000.