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Sanral awards contracts worth R1.6bn in the Eastern Cape

The SA National Roads Agency has awarded eight road maintenance, rehabilitation and resurfacing projects in the Eastern Cape, worth over R1.6 billion in total, to contractors.

The announcement follows Sanral reporting it's ready to implement R30 billion worth of construction projects that form part of the president’s drive for “shovel-ready” infrastructure development to stimulate the economy.

David Fraser, executive chair of Peregrine Capital, said yesterday any contract award is incredibly welcome in the current economic environment, particularly in the Eastern Cape, which is desperately looking for investment and has been under pressure recently.

The identity of the awarded contractors has not yet been disclosed.

The projects are:

  • R653 million for the rehabilitation of the road from the N2 Nqadu to Mbokotwana River and Dan’s Place.
  • R542 million for the upgrading of the Fort Beaufort to Alice road.
  • R220 million for special maintenance of 35.3km of the R56 Section 4 from the N6 to Dordrecht.
  • R83 million two-phase contracts for special maintenance on the Jansenville to the R63 road.
  • R65 million two-phase contracts for special maintenance on the Wolwefontein to Jansenville road.
  • R44 million for the upgrading of the R67 from Swart Kei to Queenstown.
  • R39 million for special maintenance of 18km of the national route R56 Section 3 from Molteno to Vlakfontein.
  • R32 million for special maintenance of the road from Kareedouw to Section 10 Krom River.

This article first appeared in Moneyweb