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SAMA welcomes intervention in EC Health crisis

The SA Medical Association says it's encouraged by the decisive action taken by Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, regarding the health crisis in the Eastern Cape.

Last week Motsoaledi announced a probe into matters raised by SAMA and the Eastern Cape Health Coalition.

The Minister said last week that he had come to the same conclusions, particularly regarding the state of the healthcare facilities in the OR Tambo region.

SAMA chairperson, Mzukisi Grootboom, says the minister's reaction to the deplorable state of healthcare in the province was both prompt and effective, managing to shake up what he said was the famously inefficient provincial health department.

"Dr Motsoaledi's response showed us true leadership. Instead of burying his head in the sand and deny the existing problems in the Eastern Cape that have beset, not only the population but our members who work under very difficult circumstances, he's put up his hand and decided to intervene and try and improve the situation in that province," he said.

"We at SAMA are also hopeful that the minister will use his influence in the beleaguered Eastern Cape Department of Health to address the chronic shortage of healthcare workers and the appropriate remuneration of those hard working colleagues who are already in the system," Dr Grootboom added.