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SA police out in full force in Grahamstown for National Arts Festival

June 29 (ANA) – Additional police would be deployed to Grahamstown to ensure the safety of those attending the annual National Arts Festival which kicked off on Thursday, Eastern Cape police said.

"Over eighty (80) external police deployments from within the province and other government departments will be on duty for the duration of the festival and on a daily basis we will have approximately 30 personnel on foot vehicle and mounted doing patrols," said police spokesperson Mali Govender.

Mali said police would set up five points where revellers could report incidents or make inquiries. The five points are at High Street, the Settlers Monument, Church Square, Fiddlers and Village Green.

"All other venues will be monitored and policed throughout its duration," said Govender

"Road Blocks and vehicle check points will be held to ensure the safety of the community and festival goers. Police are working closely with provincial and local emergency services through the safety and events committee platform to ensure that emergency services are offered immediately when needed."

Govender said a helicopter would be on standby for the duration of the festival to provide air support if the need arose.

– African News Agency (ANA)