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Premier Mabuyane worried about crime stats in EC

Eastern Cape Premier Lubabalo Mabuyane says the latest crime statistics released by the Minister of Police reveal a worrying degree of crime and criminal activities in the province.

Police Minister Bheki Cele told parliament on Thursday that South Africa's murder rate for the past financial year was up 3.4% with violent crime in the Eastern Cape up 4.6% year on year.

Mabuyane said this calls for an improved strategy by both government, citizens, the private sector and civil society.

"We have evidence that there is a need for the coordination of all law enforcement agencies working in the province for them to collaborate their operations, share operational and intelligence information in order to prevent these criminal activities from happening and to resolve cases speedily so that the people of the province are safe in their communities," he said.

Mabuyane added that although the details of incidents of crime of each of the province are yet to be released, Government is already in the process of consolidating the work of law enforcement agencies.

He said the part of working as a team would require commitment from each member of Saps, Sars, the Defence force, Home Affairs and Correctional Services.

"In the process of working together, we will root out corrupt elements in the law enforcement agencies that aid criminals in committing crimes in our province. Some of these elements in the law enforcement agencies protect criminals by manipulating cases reported, investigated and those brought to the courts. This is making the people of our province vulnerable to crime, something that we are not allowing. We need to protect our people at all times."