Port Alfred High School Headmaster Clive Pearson has announced that the pre-primary and primary school will re-open at 7.30 on Tuesday morning following a fire at the school on Sunday.
The senior school will reopen on Wednesday and all senior school sports matches scheduled for Tuesday have been postponed.
Pearson told AlgoaFM News that investigations into the cause of the fire were currently underway and that the area had been cordoned off as the SAPS was regarding it as a crime scene.
Pearson said they'd established that the fire was started following a break in to the administration offices and that at least one computer tower had been stolen.
The front office and all means of communication were destroyed by the fire which was limited to that office. The Bell and intercom systems and Internet connections were all destroyed as well.
A number of senior classrooms suffered extensive smoke damage and are currently undergoing deep cleaning by the school's cleaning company.