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Police appeal to Kamesh residents to help resolve lawlessness

 The Acting Cluster Commander of Uitenhage, Brigadier Leonie Bentley requested that the
community of Kamesh must take hands with the South African Police Service and assist them to stop the
lawlessness in their area.

Brigadier Bentley also requested the community to report information on the acts
of lawlessness that occurred over the last few days, to the police, so that the culprits can be brought to book.

Anyone who might be able to assist the police with information can contact the following officers:

Station Commander Kamesh: Colonel Johan Nolte 082 414 0075;
Head: Visible Police Kamesh: Lt Col Ian Chetty - 082 414 2437;
Head: Detective Services Kamesh: D/Lt Col Edith Jili - 082 441 7657.

Persons reporting can stay anonymous.
Brigadier Leonie Bentley also confirmed and said: "We will maintain a strong police presence in
the area and we will bring the perpetrators to book