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Pilot in drunk driving case to spend another week behind bars

A Zimbabwean National who is being charged with culpable homicide, drunk, reckless and negligent driving will have to spend another week in the holding cells in Port Elizabeth.

The 31-year-old qualified pilot Kelvin Zirema allegedly killed a pedestrian and critically injured another in an accident along the Beachfront earlier this month.

Police Spokesperson Colonel Priscilla Naidu says Zirema was driving in an Audi A4  in the right lane towards Kings Beach when he hit two pedestrians near the McDonald's intersection, killing one instantly.

The deceased was identified as the 36-year-old Anthony Agbo from Nigeria.

According to police, Agbo had only been in the country for a couple of days.

Naidu says it is further alleged that Zirema then lost control of the vehicle and collided into four stationary cars parked near the Humewood Hotel.

Zirema fled the scene but was arrested shortly afterwards.

It also came out during the bail hearing that the vehicle involved in the accident did not belong to Zirema but to his friend.

He admitted in his affidavit read out in court last week that he did have a few drinks before leaving to go to a restaurant along the Beachfront.

He further stated that he did not drink a drop of alcohol there, as he was the designated driver.

The Investigating Officer told the court that Zirema's Visa expired in September last year, which meant he was also in the country illegally.

The State says he is a flight risk and they are opposing bail.

Zirema's legal representative presented further arguments on Tuesday as to why his client should get bail.

He is facing an additional charge of defeating the ends of Justice and being in the contravention of the Immigration Act.

Judgement for bail will now be handed down on Wednesday the 29th of May.