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Persons with Disabilities graduate from training programme

Eastern Cape premier, Phumulo Masualle on Tuesday celebrated together with fifteen persons with disabilities, who graduated from the Basic Sewing Skills training programme at Huis NaJaar Old Age Home, Despatch.

The provincial government funded programme started in November, with the aim to empower persons with disabilities.

Masualle said they were teaming up with Small Enterprise Development Agency and other development concerns to make sure that they build such programmes to support products that people with disabilities could be part of.

He said people with disabilities only had physical challenges, but were capable of doing other things, "They have dreams like all of us, they have ambitions like all of us, all we need to do is create an enabling environment for them to be able to realise the potential that resides in each and every one of them."

The skills facilitator, Sharon Tarboton, said they can be self-employed and not depend on anyone. "You have the skills, you have the backup from government, so make use of those opportunities," she said.

"I am just so excited to be a part of this because this is only the start of somethng huge, skills training is only the start and next year we will look at programmes to enrich on that," she added

"I have learned so much, deaf people are actually not disabled, they are just differently challenged and they rise to that challenge. They are the most positive people I have ever met. We have had so much fun."

Nosithembhele Mhlophe, a graduate from the programme, said she was excited to be part of the skills development. Mhlophe plans on opening her own business.

Another graduate, Trevor Zamani, said he was thankful to Sharon and the programme as it changed his life. Zamai can now look for a job with the skills he has acquired.