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PE shopkeeper shot and killed in Arcadia

Port Elizabeth police are seeking the community's assistance in tracing suspects involved in a fatal shooting at a shop in Rensburg Street, Arcadia on Saturday evening.

Spokesperson, Colonel Pricilla Naidu says a 39-year-old shopkeeper was allegedly alone in his locked shop when several shots were fired through the glass door hitting the man several times.

He died at the scene.

The motive for the murder is unclear.

Naidu says it is further alleged that prior to the fatal shooting, a known person entered the shop earlier in the evening, bought a cigarette and smoked it in the shop.

He then threatened a 28-year old woman, who was behind the counter, with a firearm and demanded money.

She refused, however, and they became involved in an argument.

When he left, he threw stones at the shop, damaging the glass door.

Colonel Naidu says the woman then went to the police station to open a case when the murder took place.