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PE railway investment opens doors for economic growth

Rail solution alongside the Automotive Terminal.


The R10 million refurbishment to a second railway line into the Port Elizabeth harbour Container Terminal is unlocking substantial business potential for the Eastern Cape.

Transnet National Ports Authority says in a statement that its opening doors for big business, such as Ford Motor Company, which is currently exploring logistical solutions for the export of thousands of units.

Sujit Bhagattjee, the port’s New Business Development Manager, says it presented the port with an opportunity to grow its strategic positioning as an automotive hub.

Revisions to this forecast project a significant increase to the volumes expected to be exported through the port over the next few years.

Theo Sethosa, Port Engineer at the Port of PE said the R10 million railway track refurbishment is due to be completed by the end of November.

This specific piece of track, which is 340 metres in length, has been dormant over the past few years due to a lack of demand.