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PE man to face additional charges in widely publicised assault case

 A Port Elizabeth man who's girlfriend was hospitalised after he allgedly beat her up will face additional charges when he appears in court on Friday.

Police spokesperson, captain Stanley Jarvis, says two additional assault charges will be brought against Brent Cunningham who remains in custody for assaulting Shireen Ballan in December.

In a twist in the saga Ballan submitted a statement to court last week saying she wanted to withdraw the charges against Cunningham.

However, captain Jarvis says despite this, police will still pursue the case against him.

"The state is under no obligation to withdraw the charge even if the initial victim handed in a withdrawl statement to the prosecuting authority. It is in the interest of justice but more important it is in the interest of the community and the State can force the initial complainant to testify if need be" Jarvis said

Jarvis told Algoa FM News on Thursday morning that the additional charges relate to the alleged assault of two people on the same night that Cunningham allegedly assaulted Ballan.

The additional charges will be formalised in court on Friday when police are also expected to oppose Cunningham's bail application.

"There are two other complainants that have laid charges of assault to do grievious bodily harm against the suspect, these charges have actually been compiled and registered at the same time as the initial complaint " Jarvis said