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UASA will fight against Anglo retrenching

 Mineworkers' representative UASA say they are ready to fight tooth and nail to prevent Anglo American Platinum from retrenching 14 000 people in a major restructuring of its operations.

Months after being swept up in a deadly mining strike, Amplats announced on Tuesday that it planned to close four shafts and sell a mine considered unsustainable.

Frans Sterring of the United Associations of South Africa slammed Amplats on the DMB on AlgoaFM this morning - saying there had been a total lack of a consultative process.

"I won't even use the work "good spirit" it is in bad faith, because we have a long standing relationship with Anglo Platinum for over 20 years as UASA. We have 16 000 members at Anglo and yet they have chosen to ignore us right up to the last minute...not acceptable" Sterring said