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PE cop denied bail for allegedly killing State witness

A police officer charged with the murder of a State witness was denied bail in the Port Elizabeth Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. 

Ten months ago, Alex Ferreira was gunned down in Bethelsdorp and left for dead. Last month, Constable Walter Francis was arrested and charged with Ferreira’s murder. 

Francis has been charged alongside Sameal Gallant and Wayne Wabanie, who allegedly shot and killed Ferreira. 

Ferreira was scheduled to testify in another murder case in which the Port Elizabeth police officer’s gun was allegedly used. 

According to the State, Francis allegedly drove his own vehicle to transport the gunmen to Bethelsdorp where Ferreira was shot and killed in broad daylight. 

According to the State, there are witnesses who will testify that Francis was part of the planning and execution of Ferreira’s death. 

In handing down her judgment, Magistrate Sanjani Naidoo said that there was nothing that stood out as extraordinary about the policeman’s personal circumstances. 

At the time of Ferreira’s alleged murder, Francis was out on bail in another murder case.

“He is a police officer and people turn to the police for protection. I am of the view that he will once again undermine the objectives of the criminal justice system,” said Naidoo.

Francis is no longer receiving his salary and his medical aid subsidy since his arrest. 

The case was postponed until February 7 next year for further investigation. 

In the case before the Port Elizabeth High Court, Francis is charged alongside alleged gang members Enzorich Kroates, 22, and Clement Kogana, 29. 

The trial is set to get underway in May next year. During October 2014, Ferreira had given Kroates and Kogana a lift when they allegedly opened fire on suspected rival gang member Denton Rademeyer. Francis allegedly supplied his official police firearm for the shooting. 

-African News Agency (ANA)