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PE company joins DTI trade mission to Kenya and Tanzania

Port Elizabeth-based company, Mend-A-Bath is one of several South African companies that will be joining the Department of Trade and Industry on trade missions to Kenya and Tanzania.

DTI said the trade missions to the countries will take place this week.

In a statement it said that “Mend-A-Bath International is eager to expand its footprint to Kenya and Tanzania and develop new business.”

“The company is participating in the Outward Selling Mission taking place in Kenya and Tanzania.  The mission is organised and led by the Department of Trade and Industry,” DTI said.

Mend-A-Bath financial director, Ian Moore, who will be travelling as part of the business delegation said their objective in participating in the OSM is to strengthen existing partnerships, and encourage new business.

“The companies that are part of the delegation will be assisted by the Department of Trade and Industry, through its Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme (EMIA) which aims to develop export markets for South African products and services and to recruit new foreign direct investment into the country,” DTI said.