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PE Choc gets welcome shot in the arm

The Childhood Cancer Foundation in Port Elizabeth received a massive shot in the arm on Wednesday.

That is when Algoa FM and Discovery Health presented Choc with a cheque for R125 000 in the paediatric oncology ward at Dora Nginza Hospital.

The money was raised during the Discovery Algoa FM Big Walk last October when nearly 6000 participants took part.

Choc divisional manager in the Eastern Cape, Debbie Kleinenburg, said that the donation will be used to create a lodge for out of town families who's children receive cancer treatment at Dora Nginza hospital.

"This donation is incredible. We have come from small beginnings and this will allow us to fulfil many of our dreams and goals. We are so grateful to Discovery, Algoa FM and all the loyal supporters who took part in the big walk." said Kleinenburg.

Algoa FM Operations Director, Alfie Jay said that it was a privilege to hand over the money that would make a huge difference for paediatric oncology and Choc.

"When we select our beneficiaries we always look for organisations who will be able to plough back the funds with tangible results that consequently have a long term positive effect on the community." added Jay.

An emotional mother, Kristaline Goeda, who cares for her four-year-old daughter Tasmiya, told Algoa FM News about the battle for her child's life over the past two-and-a half years.

"Tasmiya was diagnosed with cancer at the young age of 18 months. It has been a difficult road for us, we live in Tsitsikamma and it was a lot of up and down. My daughter is now healed and I am very grateful for the support from Choc and her docters."

Last year Choc celebrated the opening of a six bed childrens ward at the hospital.

There is also an isolation room for one child and a toy room. The ward serves approximately 115 children from towns that include Graaf-Reinet, Alicedale, Grahamstown, Patensie and several other towns.

Up until June last year the children were only treated on an out patient basis but now children can be admitted into the ward.

Dr Florentina Ureche said that as a health care professional treating children in the ward with cancer, she was very grateful for the donation and that they would utilise the funds for equiptment for the children and the Choc lodge.

"It does not matter how much, even one cent can make a difference in a childs life." said Ureche.