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Paradise Beach father dubbed stepson the "prince of darkness"

Warning: This article may contain graphic and/or adult content unsuitable for minors and sensitive readers.

A Paradise Beach father accused of sexually assaulting his teenage daughter over several years has denied all of the allegations against him.

The man, who cannot be named to protect his children's identity, testified in the Gqeberha High Court on Friday.

The accused faces more than 700 charges, among others rape, incest, the sexual exploitation of children, sexual grooming, and bestiality.

The crimes are said to have taken place at the couple's Paradise Beach home, where they lived with their four children.

During his testimony, the man denied sexually assaulting his daughter, and exposing his children to pornography, as well as the evidence regarding the charge of bestiality.

He referred to his 22-year-old stepson, who testified against him and who is already serving a 20-year sentence after pleading guilty to the crimes, as the "prince of darkness".

According to the witness, his stepson brought a dark cloud over the home and displayed aggressive and violent behaviour toward his family members.

The court heard that his stepson wanted to rule the roost and according to the man, was under the impression that he was the "king of the castle."

He gave a detailed account of the police having to be called to their home on numerous occasions because his stepson had become aggressive, allegedly beating his mother with a closed fist and sticking knives into the furniture.

"He made it no secret when he said 'I will ruin your future'," the man testified.

Also read: Stepson gives damning testimony against Paradise Beach father 

Defence attorney, advocate Deon Erasmus referred to the testimony of the man's life partner (the children's mother) and his stepson that he would lock him and his sister (the complainant) in a room for hours on end without food or water and would allegedly engage in sexual activities with the children inside the room.

He denied the allegation, stating the front door was the only door that had a key, that he would never do such a thing, and that according to him it was not the correct way to discipline children.

The court further heard that the children's mother had an affair with an ambulance driver and that the accused came across explicit chats and photos between her and her lover, wherein it was stated "I am hungry for you."

He detailed how his investigation into the said affair led him to find out that the woman visited Policlinic in Jeffreys Bay from time to time, in the company of his 84-year-old mother.

According to the man, his mother was made to wait in the car while the woman had relations with her lover in the ambulance room at the facility.

He said despite his partner's tearful apology and promises that the affair would end, it did not stop immediately.

"What made me angry was that my 84-year-old mother had to sit in the car in 30-degree heat while my wife was having her 'frolics' inside the ambulance room."

The witness also confronted the ambulance driver on the telephone.

"I called the guy and said tomorrow I am dropping off your new wife and kids. They are your responsibility now."

With regards to the charge of bestiality, the woman's sister had earlier testified that she once heard noises and caught the man having relations with the family's sausage dog, Fifi.

He denied the allegation, stating: "I would never. That was my dog child."

The court heard testimony that Fifi always slept in the bed between the man and his partner and that she was like a baby and had her diapers, the best food, and a pram.

He affectionately referred to Fifi as his "liggie kind" because she loved lights and playing with the laser pointer the accused had bought her.

A week after the accused was arrested, the SPCA intervened. Fifi, Rocky (the family's Pekingese), and other dogs on the property were taken for medical examinations.

Fifi and Rocky were later adopted by other families.

The accused denied allegations that his partner did not confront him about the allegation that he "fiddled" with their daughter because she was afraid of him.

He said he was "the softie" in the house.

Later in his evidence he stated the reason why a case could have been opened was because he was too strict with his daughter.

"My wife often said you are not in the army anymore," he stated.

To this, Judge Nyameko Gqamana said: "I thought you said you were the softie in the house."

The accused will be cross-examined by State Advocate Ismat Cerfontein on Monday.