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Organised business reacts to city manager's resignation

 Commenting on her resignation as city manager, Lindiwe Msengana-Ndlela said that since her appointment four months ago, she had looked forward to making a positive contribution to the administration of the Metro.

She cited undue political interference in the administration of the Metro as the reason for her resignation.

Msengana-Ndlela said she'd like to thank the people of the Metro, organisations across the sectors - particularly faith-based organisations, NGO's and the business sector who supported and encouraged her during her tenure.

Due to certain circumstances I had to tender my resignation but I do hope that I would find a place somewhere in South Africa to be a servant of the people"

The former director of health in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro, Dr Mamisa Chabula-Nxiweni has been appointed Acting Municipal Manager of the Metro until further notice.

She fills the position vacated by Lindiwe Msengana-Ndlela who resigned on Wednesday.

Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber CEO Kevin Hustler says the chamber regards Msengana-Ndlela's resignation as a tremendous setback for the city as a whole.

"We really looked forward to a pro-active and effective engagement with her office as a very key and pivotal administration position within a city that appointment would have affected the permanent appointments of the executive directors throughout the departments of the city now with it being vacant and filed by an acting MM we are very concerned that yet again these executive appointments will be delayed" he said