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Opposition parties boycott afternoon session in Parliament

The DA says it will be boycotting a session of Parliament on Thursday afternoon when President Zuma replies to the debate on the Presidency's budget vote.

The DA took part in the debate on Thursday, but leader Mmusi Maimane said that on Thursday his MP's will not be in the house for President Zuma's reply.

Maimane's acting spokesperson, Graham Charters.

"The President has been banned from several organisations attending, including his own tripartite alliance such as Cosatu and the SACP and it is our view that this President should not be addressing Parliament either. He is not fit to be a president. The DA will not be attending his replies, however, we will be back in the house after his reply to have our debate on gender violence" he said

Meanwhile, UDM leader Bantu Holomisa, was not in the house on Wednesday and he told Algoa FM News that he will not be there again on Thursday.

=He says seeing that he has gone to court to ask for a secret ballot to vote on a motion of no confidence against the President, he cannot participate in Parliamentary proceedings. Holomisa added that he does not believe in Jacob Zuma anymore.

The EFF have routinely been absent from the National Assembly when President Zuma is in the House.