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Numsa says government's economic policies are failing workers

 Numsa general secretary, Irvin Jim, says the union will tell its members in the run-up to next year's elections, how the ANC has failed to push a revolutionary path that would save jobs and break new ground in terms of job creation.

Jim was speaking at a media briefing in Port Elizabeth on Tuesday where he launched a scathing attack on the SACP and its secretary-general Blade Nzimande.

Numsa called for a life-style audit of the SACP leadership and its members, as the fall-out between the two parties continues.

But, responding to a question on what Numsa's plans are for next year's elections, Jim said they will highlight how current government economic policies like GEAR and the National Development Plan are failing workers and leave it up to them to decide who to support.

"With our NDP and GEAR with the results then calling into target inflation instead of targeting jobs, that policy is not able to break new grounds in terms of creating employment and we put to workers to say , which is what Blade does not want us to do, we want workers to decide if they want to vote for the ANC who continue with this particular strategy" he said