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No disruption at 10111 centres in EC - SAPS management

Police management in the Eastern Cape has given the public the assurances that it's 10111 centres in the province are operating despite a national strike.

The strike by members of the SA Police Union is not being supported the Police, Prisons and Civil Rights Union, Popcru.

Eastern Cape provincial police spokesperson, Brigadier Marinda Mills.

"We would like to give the assurance to all our communities in the province that our emergency services at our 10111 centres are continuing.  This, after the strike by some of our public service administration employees embarked upon at some of our centres," said Mills.

She said that all call centres in the Eastern Cape, are running smoothly.

Mills said however that about 18 employees were picketing at the 10111 centre in East London.

"We do have in East London where some of those members picketed outside the building in East London but that is allowed as long as it done within the rule of picketing," Mills said.

She said because police management had been forewarned about the strike they had put contingency plans in place to prevent any disruption to emergency services.