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NMB contemplates seizing cellphones of errant drivers

The Nelson Mandela Bay Safety and Security Directorate is awaiting more information from Cape Town with regard to the possible introduction of a by-law allowing confiscation of a motorist’s cell phone if it is used while driving.

In a report to the Safety and Securi-ty Committee that meets on Friday, the Directorate states that it wants to know from Cape Town whether the introduction of the by-law allowing confiscation has met with any success.

It warns that this process might well have legal implications and lead to litigation against the municipality, adding that it is therefore “impera-tive that a legal opinion/advice is obtained”.

The Directorate said that it was also considering the possible re-introduction of a point system for traffic officers and was consulting the union in this regard.

Consultations had not been able to take place to date due to one of the unions having a prior engagement on the set date.

A report back to the committee on both issues will be provided at the next meeting.

(Source Metro Minute - to susbscribe mail metminutes@iafrica.com)