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Nelson Mandela Bay arrears payments grow

 Overdue consumer debt in Nelson Mandela Bay has increased by R339 million or 20.9% since June last year and now stand at R1.92 billion.

That's according to a report to be submitted to the Budget and Treasury Committee next week.

Metrominute reports that the collection rate at the end of March was 93.91%, just marginally below the target level of 94% set in the Metro's Integrated Development Plan.

The figures in the financial report for the third quarter show that the amount overdue for property rates has risen by R77.3 million to R318.1 million.

The overdue amount for the supply of electricity increased over the nine-month period by R73.5 million to R394.2 million and that for water by R45.7 million to R348.7 million.

The report says that the increase in the amount owed for electricity is largely the result of 14 large consumers only paying 75% of their accounts as they are involved in court action over recent electricity tariff hikes.

At the end of March the 14 companies collectively owed the municipality R135.6 million in arrears.

Source: Metro Minute to subscribe mail metminutes@iafrica.com)