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Naked newborn found alive in pit-toilet in George

Police in Thembalethu in George have arrested a 21-year-old mother for dumping her baby in a pit-toilet in Zone 9.

Spokesperson Captain Malcolm Pojie says a passer-by was dumbfounded when he stumbled upon the naked little boy.

The witness phoned police who responded swiftly with a team of paramedics.

Pojie says by the time the baby was retrieved he was already suffering from trauma and hyperthermia.

The boy, who is only 3-days-old, was transported hospital where he is receiving medical treatment.

Police members who responded to the scene also found shredded pieces of paper what appeared to be that of a birth certificate.

Pojie says this led them straight to the house of the mother who was already arrested by community members.

Further investigations revealed that the mother gave birth to the child on the 15th of September at the George Hospital and both were discharged on Tuesday.

He says seemingly the mother just deserted the child in the toilet and went home.

The mother will be charged with attempted murder and child neglect.