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Mohair SA Announces 2013 Miyuki Trophy Winners

 Mohair SA has announced the winners of the 2013 Miyuki Keori Trophy Competition. Sponsored by Miyuki Holdings, a top end Japanese fabric weaver, this trophy is awarded annually to the producers for the best classed mohair clip. The competition encourages farmers to improve the presentation and quality of the South African Mohair clip.

Six prizes were awarded and total prize money amounted to R20 000.

The winners were:

Grand Champion: van Hasselt Farming, Prince Albert
Reserve Grand Champion: JL Retief & Seun, Murraysburg
Champion Summer Clip: FE Colborne & Son, Willowmore
Champion Winter Clip: Vleikuil Boerdery, Rietbron
Champion; Sustainable Guidelines: RM Heydenrych, Jansenville
Most Improved; Sustainable Guidelines: IR Bekker, Rietbron

This is the second year that the Miyuki Keori Company have included two prizes for adherence to the sustainable guidelines, cementing the green future of the competition and the Miyuki Company.

Mohair SA would like to congratulate each of the winners on this remarkable achievement.

Miyuki Holdings produces superior quality suiting and supplies mohair to suit manufacturers globally, most of them falling into the high end price range. They have been sponsoring the Miyuki Trophy Competition for the South African mohair producers since 1980.
Issued on behalf of Mohair SA
For media queries contact
Deon Saayman: 041-487 1386