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Missing George family: Body of child recovered

Southern Cape Rescue officials have recovered the body of a small child in a car seat floating in the ocean at Voëlklip Herold's Bay. 

Police spokesperson Malcolm Poje told AlgoaFM News earlier on Thursday afternoon that they were almost 100% certain that the vehicle found earlier some 150 metres down a cliff, and partially submerged in the ocean, was that of the missing Scheepers family. 

The 35- year-old George resident Heidi Scheepers and her two young children, a daughter aged six and her son aged two, were last seen at the beach in Herolds Bay on Tuesday evening. 

Scheepers was driving a charcoal-coloured Volkswagen Caravelle, which was found partially submerged in the water.

Pojie said the search for the mother and other child is continuing.