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Millions to upgrade PE beaches and Njoli Square

 More than 2 000 jobs will be created during the three construction phases of the Njoli Square Redevelopment.

That's according to a report to be submitted to the Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture Committee.

Work on the first phase started in June and is expected to be completed in April next year, during which temporary facilities for taxi operators and informal traders will be constructed.

The second phase, which involves the construction of the Ring Road and Integrated Public Transport System modal interchange, will start in May next year, while the third phase, the construction of the development and the iconic dome, will start in October 2015.

The value of the project amounts to R280-million.

Meanwhile At least R6 million will be spent on the upgrading of beaches in Nelson Mandela Bay over the next two financial years.

Figures with the ward-based and support services budget that will be put to Council on Tuesday show that the municipality plans to spend R2 million in the current financial year and a further R4 million in 2014/15.

In addition, a total of R3.5 million will be spent on the beachfront over the next three financial years.

The municipality has also allocated R3 million for the Brookeshill Promenade Rehabilitation.

(Source: Metro Minute to subscribe mail metminutes@iafrica.com)