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Meet EC's first female to get pilot licence

 The Eastern Cape Department of Transport's first female to obtain a pilot license has been appointed by a Johannesburg based Superior Pilot Services to fly and instruct pilot students.

Though Oyama Matomela (21) got her license on the Piper Cherokee 140, she is now going to fly and instruct students on Cessna 172, but first she requires to get 15 hours of flying the Cessna 172 at the 43 Air school in Port Alfred at the cost of R25 000.

The department has vowed to assist Matomela to get her 15 hours of flying the Cessna 172. "We have come a long way with Oyama and she has always shown commitment to her studies…we just cannot let her down now," said Human Resource Development Manager, Linda Bovana.

She added that the department will do all it can to make sure her dream is realized

This job opportunity at the Superior Pilot Services comes shortly after she had completed a Grade 3: Instructor Rating Course in Aviation at 43 Air School which allows her to instruct pilot students.

"I feel good about getting the job, but i still need to do the 15 hours of flying the Cessna 172", said Matomela.

When asked where she sees herself in the near future she said, flying for South African Airways or South African Express.

Last year the 21 year old not only qualified as a commercial pilot after she completed her studies and obtained her pilots license with the internationally acclaimed 43 Air school, she also appeared in a Television Advert for Brand South Africa's new slogan "Inspiring New Ways" where she featured alongside several prominent South Africans including celebrities, sports stars, entrepreneurs and entertainers.

Matomela who hails from Port Elizabeth is one of more than 500 young people of the Eastern Cape that have benefited from the Department's bursary scheme which started 10 years ago.

"We salute this young lady, who worked very hard in a male dominated environment and made full use of the opportunity she was offered by the Department through our bursary scheme," says MEC Marawu.

She is the fourth student to be awarded a pilot bursary by the Department and first female to do so.

"As the Department we are so proud of her and we truly believe that her achievement could serve as an inspiration to other young ladies in the province," added Marawu.

Issued by the Eastern Cape Department of Transport