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Massive boost for cancer foundation

 Walkers braved rain and wind to raise R210 000 for the Childhood Cancer Foundation (CHOC) at the annual Discovery Algoa FM Big Walk held in October 2013.
Over 7500 people entered the Big Walk in 2013 and more than 4000 people pitched during the stormy weather to participate in the 4km walk.
The funds will be used to help maintain a home that provides accommodation for mothers whose children are undergoing cancer treatment at the Dora Nginza Hospital in Port Elizabeth.
The CHOC Lodge was funded partly through the 2012 Discovery Algoa FM Big Walk.

“Thanks to the proceeds from the 2013 Discovery Algoa FM Big Walk we will be able to ensure that children have their mothers nearby while undergoing treatment,” says Charmaine Vosloo, branch manager of the Port Elizabeth branch of CHOC SA.
“Being together makes a huge difference to both the mothers and the children. In most cases the families of patients from rural areas do not have the funds to travel daily to and from Port Elizabeth, or simply live too far,” she says.

“The annual Discovery Algoa FM Big Walk is always one of the highlights on our calendar. We salute all those hardy walkers who came out in support of CHOC while at the same time looking after their own health,” says Jody Foster, Head of Sponsorships for Discovery. “Discovery is committed to uplifting and strengthening society through making quality healthcare services more accessible to more South Africans and encouraging people to lead healthier, more active lifestyle.”
Every year Discovery offers free health screenings for common ailments such as high blood pressure and diabetes at the Big Walk.

“I speak for everyone at Algoa FM when I say that we are truly humbled when we see the great work being carried out by CHOC. It is a true privilege to be able to support them through our fund-raising efforts,” says Algoa FM managing director Dave Tiltmann.

Media Release on behalf of Algoa FM
By: Jennilee Peremore; PR and CSI ManagerAlgoa FM.


Debbie Kleinenberg (Divisional Manager for CHOC), Dave Tiltmann (Managing Director) and Jody Foster (Head of Sponsorships for Discovery).